Digital Empowerment

This project was about empowering young adults with a Learning Disability to take control over online access to socially essential services.
We recruited and trained eight volunteer Online Chum Mentors and matched four on a one-to-one basis with suitable beneficiary with a view to increasing opportunities in the job/educational markets; deliver four communitybased outreach sessions, thereby increasing awareness to the issues faced by those with a LD in using digital processes; increase support for the project from community agencies i.e., social care, Cullercoats Community Centre, Carers Centre, North Tyneside Disability Forum, by establishing a minimum of three informal community partnerships. These are very different organisations with their own missions and who they exist to support. However, there is a common denominator which is all our beneficiaries face digital exclusion. Imparting digital 'up-skilling' alongside our in-house basic literacy and numeracy programs, will help those discriminated against in employment and break down the stereotypical that those with a Learning Disability are not employable.