I have been trying out editing a video we made about our work with NHS Digital Project. The aim in to help those with a Learning Disability communication easier vising a variety of Digital media I hope to have the edited version available shortly.
We are using Imovie tutorial from YouTube. However, it is a bit fiddly getting it right. Might be worth contacting Peter Glave who said he would help with any training in video editing?
I like the idea you are learning to edit videos. Once you learn a harder task will be before you, you can teach me to do it as well. Do you think you are up to it ha ha ha😍
As of taday we now have a update version in my folder to show you Simon.
We are using Imovie tutorial from YouTube. However, it is a bit fiddly getting it right. Might be worth contacting Peter Glave who said he would help with any training in video editing?
I like the idea you are learning to edit videos. Once you learn a harder task will be before you, you can teach me to do it as well. Do you think you are up to it ha ha ha😍
I would love to be able to do that sort of stuff. Maybe one day?
We are progressing nicely Simon. Hopefully once we have edited both strips together we can upload to the website.