If anyone makes you fell uncomfortable online then please tell your parents or someone that can help. If they're doing it to you they might also be doing it to other people. it's particularly important never to meet up with anyone you meet online in real life. If anyone suggests that to you and particularly if they suggest you keep it secret that's a real danger sign.
When you go into a social networking site people might approach you to be a friend but remember that no matter how much they tell you about themselves, they are still strangers and they might not be telling you the truth about themselves. There have involve you in inappropriate activities. This is called grooming and is a criminal offence the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre investigates causes of sex abuse and grooming on the internet. Incidents can be reported by clicking the red button on the top right hand corner of the CEOP website. Although the police can get information from your computer's hand drive. It's helpful if you don't delete anything you think is dodgy until the police have decided whether they need it as evidence. Here is the link to CEOP: https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre

Is it the same process for all social media platforms?
I think it is all important stuff Simon its very important that people know about all this sort of stuff all the time.
Very worrying situation we all face. However, once we give in to these horrid people we will end up too frightened to get online.
Very important blog giving some basic clues on how to be careful.
It is vital we everything we can to challenge those who would wreak harm on us.