I have been working on testing the midland line. Which has had to be debugged. The update includes greater performance for the user see TRAIN SIM WORLD ROADMAP: JUNE 2023
Midland Main Line
Timetable expansion
Added 89 HST services, particularly between Derby-Leicester
Added 20 Ivanhoe services between Leicester-Nottingham (including 3 freight services*)
Added ROG service from Derby-Leicester and Class 375 Blue service*
Re-enabled Toton HL – Leicester Aggregate freight service*
Updated Class 66 Railtour to use SHE Class 66, rather than RHTT
Passengers should no longer get stuck in the doorway – and general improvements to passenger behaviour
Updated Class 158 physics
Rain and snow will now wipe away when using wipers
Updated vehicle coupling and logic
Remodelled bridges across route
Numerous environment fixes and updates, including station updates and adding new Derby Roundhouse
Performance optimisation across route

You must have loads of different routes available to you by now?
Did you invent this?
The list of amendments are very technical. However, Iv'e no doubt the changes have made a big difference to performance.